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At FindAll we can make deliveries of anything at anytime



About Us

 Findallonline is owned by a multinational conglomerate and has been set up  to do special deliveries.  Deliveries that would be impossible to do without our service.  Our drivers are checked out in three ways before we let them take special deliveries.  I started this company after delivering for some of the services that pick-up items at store and deliver them to customers.  I saw the need for more of a specialized service.  Kind of a no questions asked just to get it there asap and forget what you delivered.  We will be happy to sign any non-disclosure form you want us to sign.  We will stand by that agreement 100%.  Our employees are not even aloud Findallto discuss what they delivered with other employees of their supervisor.  Only with your permission will they talk to a supervisor if they need help with the order in some way.  That has not happened yet, but one can never be sure what we will be asked to do so I leave it open.  We understand discretion is needed for certain items.  Let us handle the stress of getting it there by a certain time.  You will be told at the time of pickup when it will get too the delivery location.  It will get there with in ten minutes of the time we tell you.


Find all is capable of doing deliveries that no one else can do.  We are so convinced that you will be satisfied that if you enter the word "FIRSTTIME"  (no quotes)  we will make sure that the first delivery is completely free.  This would only be available to deliveries around the Portland/Vancouver area